Setting up your Arduino environment for use with Gemma(Trinket)

Gemma USB Drivers for Windows

The cool thing about the bootloader on the Gemma is it just looks like a classic USBtinyISP AVR programmer. This makes it easy to use with AVRdude or Arduino IDE with only minor configuration changes. Before you start, you may need to install the USBtinyISP USB drivers

Drivers are only required for Windows, if you are using a Mac or Linux, drivers are not required! For details on installing the drivers for Windows XP, 7, 8 etc… please read this page!

Don’t forget for Windows 8 you will have to turn off driver signing temporarily in order to allow the USBtiny/Trinket/Gemma driver to be installed. If you’re good at installing drivers, you can just click here to download the ZIP


The Fast Way

If you don’t want to modify an existing Arduino IDE install, you can simply download our ready-to-go and tested Flora/Gemma/Trinket-ified v1.05 right here:

If you’re using Mac OS Mavericks you will need to update the setting to permit running Arduino IDE:

  1. Go to your Security and Privacy Settings
  2. Click the Lock Icon and Login
  3. Change “Allow Apps Downloaded From”: to “Mac App Store and identified developers”